Health and Care
Providing the community with the necessities of life

The Theresa Foundation supports a number of projects aimed at improving the health and overall care of the inhabitants of Mnjale, Fuse and Chilundu:
- Protein supplements for the children: As many as one-quarter of the three villages’ 250 orphans suffer from kwashiorkor syndrome, a form of malnutrition that occurs when there is a lack of protein in the diet. To ward off kwashiorkor and reduce the incidence of malnutrition among the children, the Foundation provides funds for the purchase of Likuni Phala (a fortified soya enriched flour) that is distributed to the children of the villages on a regular basis.
- Medical expenses and doctor visits: The Foundation provides funds for the grandmothers and children to access medicine in times of need and for a medical officer to visit the villages on a regular basis.
- Mobile clinic: In March 2017 and 2018, through the generosity of the Vanier Student Nursing Program, K2 TASO and Chilanga Community Clinic/Makupo Village, mobile clinics were held in Mnjale where their collaborative efforts allowed them to examine and provide treatment for over 300 patients experiencing a variety of aches and pains, malaria, diarrhea, hypertension and upper respiratory infections, among other health concerns.
- Clothing, blankets and other items: The Foundation provides funds for the purchase of blankets, clothing, clean eating utensils, pails, etc. for the grandmothers and children. In 2012 and 2016, the Foundation, partnered with other local non-profit groups from Montreal to send containers filled with medicine, school supplies, warm clothing, bicycles, and much more to the villages.
- Community Christmas dinners: The Foundation provides funds every year for a large festive holiday meal for the community.
- Visit to Lake Malawi: After learning that they had never been, the Foundation sent funds to allow the grannies to travel to Lake Malawi for a visit.